What is Frozen Shoulder?
Frozen shoulder is a term that identifies different conditions that results in painful restriction of range of motion of the shoulder joint.
Frozen Shoulder Symptoms
The most apparent sign of frozen shoulder is lack of range of motion at the shoulder joint. You will find that is difficult to raise your arm to the side , turn your arm out to put on a jacket and put your hand behind your back to pull up your pants. The most common symptom is pain with shoulder movement.
Causes of Frozen Shoulder
There are several possible causes of frozen shoulder syndrome. they can be grouped in to three categories: Idiopathic, Traumatic or Postural.
Idiopathic: This mean that there is no known specific cause. Generally what happens is you fall asleep one night and wake up the next day with limited movement at the shoulder. If you try to increase the range of motion it either hurts or barely moves. It is “stuck”.
Trauma : Any type of acute injury such as fracture or dislocation of the shoulder. Usually with this type of injury the shoulder is put into a sling and motion is restricted. Over a period of time the capsule shortens and the muscles that surround the shoulder joint become short and”tight”. this leads to a gradual restriction in movement.
Repetitive stress injuries or overuse injuries such as supraspinatis and biceps tendonitis or any bursitis at the shoulder joint can lead to frozen shoulder.
Postural: This is a gradual onset. Many people spend a lot of time in front of a computer, sitting at a desk or driving back and forth to work. This leaves body in a forward sitting position with your arms in front of and possible slouched. as a result of this posture the shoulder blades tend to move away from the center of the back causes muscles in the chest and and anterior shoulder to shorten and turn the shoulder in. These leads to what is commonly known as rounded shoulders.
You will also find postural imbalances with people who work out. Many young males who want to have the “beach look” have a tendency to be on unbalanced programs and focus their training on the “show me” muscles.
This would include the arm muscles in particular biceps, the chest muscles in particular the pectoralis major muscle. These guys tend to forget to balance their programs with exercises for the back.
Over time and as they age the shoulders have tendency to move forward and turn in. This leads to the restricted range of motion and shoulder pain.
They want end up looking like this…
However years later they end up looking like this!
Body Builder "Wannabe" with Rounded Shoulders
Frozen Shoulder Stages
Frozen shoulder syndrome goes through three different stages.
In this stage there is intense pain at rest and with movement. There is limitation of motion within 2-3 weeks after onset and there is also night pain with disturbed sleep. this stage may last from 10-36 weeks.
There is pain only with movement. it is at this time that muscle compensation occurs around the shoulder joint. this is the beginning of change in posture as the shoulder becomes rounded. There is also the beginning of atrophy (decrease muscle size) of the deltod, tricep, bicep and rotator cuff muscles. This leads to overuse of the trapezius muscle and pain in the neck.
This can last from 4-12 weeks.
Thawing :
Some the signs and symptoms in this stage may be the same as in the frozen stage. There is significant restriction in range of motion from build up adhesions to the capsule of the joint. Unfortunately if treatment for this condition begins in this stage normal range of motion will be very difficult to regain.
Functional Limitations
Day to day activities such as brushing your hair, teeth will be difficult to do. Other things that will be a challenge include lifting heavy objects, repetitive movements, and reaching to your back pocket.
Frozen Shoulder Therapy
Frozen Shoulder Treatment needs to be a combination of both manual work and exercises.
Several massage therapy techniques may be used to increase muscle length of the shortened muscles. Since the joint is “stuck” joint play or “pulling” of the arm is indicated.
Exercises is also important to strengthen the weak postural muscles. Generally muscles such as mid fibres of trapezius, rhomboids and , lateral rotators of the shoulder need to be strengthened.
Frozen Shoulder Exercises
Here are two simple exercises that you can do at home if think you have the beginning of frozen shoulder.
The first is a pendulum swing.
1) Stand with one leg in front of the other in front of desk or table.
2) Place the hand one the same side as the front leg on the desk or table for support.
3) Allow the free hand and arm to hang at your side.
4) Bend and straighten your knees allowing your body to rock back and forth. This naturally causes the arm to swing.
The second exercise is a unique posture stance.
1) Stand with feet at or little past shoulder width.
2) Tuck in your tummy
3) With your arms at your side, turn your shoulders out and back.
4) Bring your head straight back on your neck.
5) Hold for six second and work up to 3 sets of ten repetitions.
This should help you move forward in treating your frozen shoulder.
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