What Is Visceral Manipulation
What is Visceral Manipulation?
Visceral Manipulation involves the release of tension in the ligaments of the organs in the body. It is a soft, but relatively deep tissue therapy with the entire focus on making sure that the organs move and glide liberally.
Repeatedly the cause of the lack of motion in the organs is due to severe disturbance to the body (i.e. car accidents, falls, etc.).
Believe it or not, this therapy has actually been around for a number of centuries, originally developed in China and Tibet.
But lately this therapy has undergone a considerable amount of research and review by a French osteopath, Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral . He presently teaches practitioners in Visceral Manipulation and was featured in Time magazine as one of the next wave of alternative medicines’ new innovators.
What are the benefits of Visceral Manipulation?
Visceral Manipulation
is extremely stress-free. Apparently when working with the organs, the body releases a fair amount of serotonin, a feel-good/relaxing neurotransmitter.
According to Barral , “In a single day, your internal organs move 30,000 times. Your liver alone travels 600 meters.” It is thought that any restrictions in this natural motion, could over time create pain and inflammation within the body.
Barral has anecdotal evidence that Visceral helps with a variety of problems, from chronic back and joint pain to indigestion, infection, incontinence, migraines and even impotence and sterility
Does Visceral Manipulation Help You?
Visceral Manipulation is used to locate and work out problems throughout the body. It encourages your own inherent mechanisms to advance the functioning of your organs, dissipate the negative effects of stress, and enhance general health and resistance to disease.
Visceral Manipulation
is based on the exact placement of soft manual forces to support the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues. These gentle manipulations can potentially advance the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body.
Harmony and health exist when motion is free and excursion is full – when motion is not labored, overexcited, depressed, or conflicting with neighboring structures and their mobility.
Therapists using Visceral Manipulation assess the dynamic functional actions as well as the somatic structures that perform individual activities.
They also evaluate the quality of the somatic structures and their functions in relation to an overall harmonious pattern, with motion serving as the gauge for determining quality.
Due to the delicate and often highly reactive nature of the visceral tissues, soft force precisely directed reaps the greatest results. As with other methods of manipulation that affect the body deeply, Visceral Manipulation works only to assist the forces already at work.
Because of that, trained therapists can be sure of benefiting the body rather than adding further injury or disorganization.
Today, a wide variety of healthcare professionals perform Visceral Manipulation. this type of treatment is common among practising Osteopaths